Shri Prajapati Association

On 23rd May, at 10am, the Exhibition Bus visited the Prajapati Cenre, 519 North Circular Road, Neasden, NW2 in the borough of Brent

WW1 Exhibition Bus hosted around 30 seniors. In groups of around 15, after watching the video, they started a discussion among them selves about how they remember their parent’s talk about the war. video (

‘Post cards’ to the Soldiers were distributed and encouraged to go home and visit the India1914 website to show their children and grand children about our shared sacrifice.

Join us in thanking and remembering the sacrifice of the Indian solders and the entire generation the lived throughout the first great world war.


“All these years, (he was in his 70’s), while Hollywood as produced movies about the soldiers bravery however Bollywood has never produced  a movie about the sacrifice of the Indian Soldiers”

“Thank you for bringing this here and creating a website giving us the opportunity to show my children about our shared sacrifice” 

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