Meeting of the Minds 2 London - 19th October 2016
The Palan Foundation-funded discussion on aspirations for the continued development of the partnership. Purpose to clarify the key message to table of MP roundtable at the House of Commons, immediately following this event
Agreed objectives by Partners and MPs:
- Partners and MPs agreed to work together to develop an Indian Remembrance Event on 7th December 2016
- Establish an APPG for all Indian Soldiers (WW1 & WW2) partnering with other APPG for Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc
- Create a brand for the partnership to promote South Asian Communities (target Jan17)
- Development of roadmap and long-term vision for the partnership focusing on different ways to engage (target Dec 17 draft)
- Development of a digitalizing programme with CGWC and USI
- Work with Museum partners to create showcasing opportunity for projects – “A Day in a Museum” initiative
- Develop Networks! bus platform to provide flexible outreach
- Establish “Indian Soldiers Trail” in Museums for communities groups
- Continuing to expand India1914 website hub to bring partner links and information together
- Meeting of the Minds to be an annual event with regular workshops (subject to funding)
Download: Program of the day| Presentation | Basra Project | Key Points